 Special Kits
 Cards Gifts
 Tarot Cards
Candle Info
 Order Form
 Fairies etc.

Books: by Charlotte Lawrence click-here


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Fax Legends !! 410-484-1105

We Ship Anywhere inside or outside the U.S.!

Email Legends!



We accept ALL Major Credit Cards Checks and Money Orders!


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Large Kit Contains:
2 appropriate Herbal
Votive Candles; 7"
Magickal Herbal Candle,
Stones, Loose
 Ritual and/or Resin Incenses,
Charcoal, Herbal Oil
with Herbs. $25.00


Have your own magickal kit made to order!

Dreams, Positive Thinking,
Serenity, Protection, Seduction.


Small Kit Contains:

2 appropriate
Herbal Votive Candles, Stones,  Charcoal
Herbal Oil, Loose
 Ritual and/or Resin Incenses. $15.00


Origins  of the Kabbalah  - Scholem - $16.95
To Stir a Magic Cauldron -  S. Ravenwolf - $16.95
To Ride a Silver Broomstick - S. Ravenwolf - $14.95
Magical Herbalism -  S. Cunningham - $7.95
Tarot for Yourself -   Greer  - $14.95
Spiral Dance -  Starhawk - $16.00
Women of the Golden Dawn -   Greer  - $29.95
Intuitive Tarot -  Cordon  $11.00
Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need  $14 .95
Candlelight Spells -  Dunwich  $9.95
Wicca Love Spells  - Dunwich  $10.95
Wicca Spellbook  -  Dunwich  $6.95
Mystical Magical Marvelous World of Dreams  $14.95 
Hands of Light  &  Light Emerging -   Brennan  $23.95
Druid Source Book - Matthews -  $24.95
Ladies of the Lake - Matthews -  $10.95 
Goddesses and World Mythology - Imel - $16.95
Living Juicy - Succulent Wild Woman -   Sark  $!5.95
Myths and Gods of India -  Danielou  - $29.95

Music From the Pleiades -  $!4.50/$10.00
Markoe-  (New  Age)
Ritual -Totem - Initiation  $13.95/$9.95
G.Roth (CD/Cass)  (drums, chanting, ritual)
Past Life Therapy Regression/Astral Projection - $19.95
D. Sutphen - 2 cass ea. title (guided meditations)
Creative Visualization (Cass) $10.00
Shakti Gawain  (guided meditation)
From the Goddess/Oh Great Spirit - $!6.95
Robert Gass CD  (chants)
Om Namaha Shivaya/Hara Hara  $16.95
Robert Gass (chants)
Watermark - The Celts - Shepherd Moons
Enya/ Irish & vocals CD/cass  $19.95 - $12.98
The Visit - Mask & the Mirror (others)
Loreena McKennitt  CD/cass  $19.95- $12.98
Riverdance/ Lord of the Dance -   Whelan  CD/cass $13.95
Healing Journey (guided meditation) E.Miller - cass $10.00

Some Authors We Carry

Eastern:  Tibetan Buddhism; Zen; Martial Arts;

Hinduism; Yoga


Chang Man ching  -   Deepak Chopra - 

Matak Chia  - Ram Dass -  Thich Naht Hanh 

Master Hua-ching  Ni    P. Yogananda

DT Suzuki  -  Osho Zen  - Rampa -  Ram Dass




Silver Ravenwolf  -  Starhawk  -  Margot Adler

S.  Cunninghamm - Stewart Farrar  -  R. Buckland

D. Valiente -  G. Dunwich -  P. Campanelli  -  

R. Buckand - Amber Wolfe - Murray Hope -

Ann Moura -  Paul Beryl - & more!




Graves  - Caitlin & John Matthews -  Barb. Walker

Norma Goodrich - P. Monaghan - RJ  Stewart


e-mail:  river@comcast.net

For river's books: 

Go to: Books:  By Charlotte Lawrence!

E Mail:  river@comcast.net