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Legends Magick Herbal Candles

Hand made when the moon is right. There are 18 different candles to choose from.  Each candle is created for specific energy work, each with its own scent. Candle size approx. 7"x1½".


Charging The Candle

Sit in a quiet place that is special to you. Hold the candle in your hands and visualize the area of your life in which this candle is needed. Know that after you light this candle the energy you need will come to you. It may come right away, or it may come when you least expect it. When you are ready, recite the blessing on the front of the note card, or use your own words of power.                       Each herbal candle is only $10.95. 



Attraction-- to draw positive influences and energies to you - lover, new client,  friend, teacher, employee, partner. (Clove Oil, Patchouli, & Lavender, Dragon's Blood)


Heart -- Created to help deal with hurt emotions and its physical manifestations, revolving around the heart chakra and the inner child. Helps you learn acceptance and forgiveness of self and others, general emotional healing.. (Lavender, Chamomile, Rose, & Ylang Ylang)



Prosperity -- Use to increase state, growth and gain in matters such as job market, salary, material possessions. Prosperity may also refer to a prosperous romance, emotional growth and an increase in ability to love and be loved.(Clove Oil, Citronella Oil, Lemon Balm, Cinnamon and Nutmeg)


Healing -- Use to heal the physical body and any life issues that manifest within. The healing  candle is made during the full moon, when healing energy is at its greatest.(Olive Oil, Clove, Nutmeg, Lemon Balm, Poppy seed, Cedar, Honeysuckle Oil, Almond Oil, and Juniper Berries,


Happy Home  To create a warm, loving environment. Can help calm a stormy household and resolve issues in a rational manner. Helps release stress to allow for a higher quality of life. (Orange blossoms, Rose petals, Sassafras, Juniper, Myrrh,  Dragon's Blood & Rose oil)



Protection  For both physical and emotional protection or safe journey. To shield unwanted energies, protect yourself from harmful persons, self sabotage or those who drain your energy and/or spirit.(Frankincense, Sandalwood, Rosemary, & Clove)


Needed Changes  The waning of the moon is the best time to bring a change into your life or to banish it entirely (with love), which is why this candle was made at the waning stage of the moon's cycle. (Rosemary & Sandalwood) 



Inspiration  (Air)  To bring inspiration and all the empowering energies of the element of air into your life. Connect to the universal consciousness, where you will find inspiration, wisdom, patience. (Lavender, Rosemary, Benzoin, Wormwood, Heather, & Yarrow)

Energy and Will  (Fire)  After bringing about inspiration, Energy & Will is the next step to creating your own reality. Burn this candle to strengthen your aura and work through creative block. (Frankincense, Sandalwood, Dragon's Blood & Saffron)

Emotional Flow and Understanding (Water)  Once the energy and will have emerged, you need to add emotion (love) to your creation - thus beginning the flow into physically manifesting itself and becoming reality. This candle helps release the emotional build-up that clouds judgment.(Myrrh, Benzoin, Lotus oil, Sandalwood, Orange petals, and Rose petals)

Stability and Raising Self Esteem (Earth)  Based on the fact that you exist upon the Earth, you are, therefore, a solid, strong and powerful individual who can continuously create magic into your life. As you burn the earth candle, concentrate on the earth's attributes: solidity, strength, stability...to assist you in your search for higher self-esteem. (Pine, Patchouli, & Salt, and Cypress oil)



Sacred Space  To cleanse your special area (desk, room, office) and prepare for  meditation, protection, healing. Designed to work with your energies to create a sacred space. (Frankincense, Myrrh, Benzoin, Cinnamon, Rose petals, Vervain, Bay & Sandalwood)



Vision Quest Enhances visualizations, meditations, trances taking them into a deeper, more intense level. Helps free the mind of everyday interference to allow  flow of useful knowledge beneficial to problem solving and study. Very effective in assisting participants of group meditation to focus more clearly.. (Rosemary,  Honey, & Honeysuckle)

Spirit Guide  Assist in rediscovering and re-establishing relationship with our Spirit guides/Ancestors. Pay respect and reverence to the Spirit guides who have directed and guided us through life's path. Can also be used to help us through the grieving process. (Olive oil, Saffron, Musk, & Peppermint)



BANISHING; Rosemary, Sandalwood, Dragons blood, & Salt.

ANCESTRAL: Dragons blood, Olive oil, Dirt, Saffron, Musk, & Peppermint.

MALE FORCES (THE SUN) : Patchouli, Benzoin, Pine, Juniper berries, & Cedar oil.

FEMALE FORCES (THE MOON) : Frankincense, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Orris root,  Juniper berries, & Lotus oil.

LOVER (PAN) : Patchouli, Musk, Pine, Cedar oil, & Juniper.



 Never leave a burning candle unattended. Good luck, and remember,  you get as much energy out of your workings as you put into them.

